Wednesday, June 06, 2012

did you know Humans will breathe under water??

New discoveries of scientists

has opened the possibility that
... in a few decades a man will be
able to dive without any
extra funding, which would
sent all oxygen bottles in 'retirement'.
These are experiments of
bioengineers, who found the
way for a man to freely
breathe under water, and
explained that in the future could occur that a human DNA
can be linked with the DNA of
marine algae.
In the purpose of this study
was conducted an experiment
that involved a symbiosis of salamanders and algae which
produce oxygen. This
combination was successful in
the sense that these two are
being connected to each other
after the experiment, which proved that there may be a
successful symbiosis between
plants and vertebrates.
Of course, future studies will
focus on the development of
this process, so that one day it could be used on humans. In
this way, a human could be
under water could use some
of the skills that all algae
have, which would become a
source of oxygen for humans.

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